MixoManager is an add-on for Haarup's process control system and the
extended memory of the system.
The program processes data relating to materials, recipes and production and also has a variety of standard tools for reporting. If these are not sufficient, practically all data can be easily exported to Excel spreadsheets, for example, where you can then process these data further yourself.
All previous versions of material data and recipes are saved automatically.
MixoManager is an integrated part of the Mixo 5000 control system.
The software can backup or restore daily production data. With Mixo 3000, the parameters of the process controls are also saved.
MixoManager can be added to existing Mixo 3000 control systems.
The system is based on the MySQL database program, and all required data can be retrieved directly from the database.
- Production data
- Comments on charge reports
- Moisture graphs
- Material data
- Recipes
- Traceability of changes