Wearing plates
For all our 750 - 6,000 litre mixers, we can supply cast steel wearing plates with a unique wear resistance, and they are actually so durable that we offer a 6,000-hour operational guarantee on them!
The 6,000 hours should be considered a minimum operating time for those customers who have the most wear and tear on their mixers. Such customers use, among other things, ground coal dust which is extremely abrasive.
For most of our concrete producing customers, the plates will last for 5-10 years of production.
The side wearing plates have a tapered edge at the top to reduce the build-up of concrete. Also they are approx. 5 mm thicker at the bottom of the mixer pan which is subject to the greatest wear and tear than at the top to achieve an even wearing of the plates throughout their lifetime.
The bottom wearing plates are precisely designed to minimize the distance between the various segments, and due to their size, they are easy to handle.
We keep the wearing plates in stock, and therefore we can always offer fast delivery so that the downtime related to replacing the plates should only be counted in hours – not days
- 6,000 hours operational guarantee
- Long lifetime
- Extreme wear resistance
- Easy replacement handling
- Wearing plates are stock items