Contact us
We have the solutions and expertise,
so how can we help you today?
We look forward to hear from you
You are, of course, also more than welcome to contact us and schedule
a visit here at the factory. Simply call or send us an email.
Monday till Thursday: 08.00-16.00 CET
Friday: 08.00-15.00 CET
Main telephone no.: +45 86 84 62 55
Sales Department
Christian Søndergaard
Brian Toft
Martin Andersen
Service & Spare Parts
North America
Suzanne Runion
North America
Søren Pedersen
North America
Alex Hows
North America
Diego Fletes
North America
Jim Runion
North America
Maskinfabrik A/S
Haarupvej 20
DK-8600 Silkeborg
Urgent inquiries outside opening hours
Service telephone no.:
Service fee 630 DKK per call (additional fees may be incurred)